The Local Smokehouse

  • 816 Hinton Ave
  • Charlottesville, VA
  • 22902
  • (434) 234-3824

Who are we?

The Local Smokehouse is a barbecue restaurant and barbecue catering business located in the Belmont area of Charlottesville, VA. We are open for lunch and dinner hours seven days a week. We also specialize in providing high quality barbecue for gatherings, special events, catering, tailgating and corporate parties. Some of our most popular dishes include smoked pork barbecue (BBQ), smoked chicken, smoked brisket and smoked vegetables. The Local Smokehouse 816 Hinton Ave, Charlottesville, VA 22902

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816 Hinton Ave
Charlottesville VA 22902
(434) 234-3824